Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth review

forgiven as not great but the first two (first espically) are excellent. Pin head is the best horror character out there..

Thinner review

best stephen king film - good story and wow the effects are excellent. How an earth did they get the larger guy so damn thin? great watch.

Frailty review

Watched this on line last week and didnt expect much to be honest - nice suprise. Good little film clever story and well worth watching. Alittle slow in parts and not edge of the seat entertainment but pleasing.

Dog Soldiers review

wonderful film great acting great script well worth watching, nice little twist and some awesome one liners love it!

Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood review

BOYYYY - best spoof ganagster film ever. Beats the pants off all the later Wayans films. Original gags and more digs at stars than you can shake a stick at. IMDB rating it way too low - i give it 9/10 - just for the belly laughs.

Killing Zoe review

great film - seems alittle b movies in places however works well and dosent detract from the main. well worth viewing espically for Tarantino fans..

Stigmata review

top 10 film - for all horror buffs. has it all solid performances solid story and some desturbing scences. 9/10

Session 9 review

Read this on a horror site as a good one. Yh there is tension throughout but to be honest didnt really get it. After lots of intense scences coupled with intense music - came to nothing. maybe one of those ?? films..

Jacob's Ladder review

excellent fillm for any horror fans. More mental than visual delivers perfectly with a great end..

Nightbreed review

nice ideas and clever character formation. Cant help but feel that the book would be better though. 8/10 as something is missing.