Vacation review

laugh out loud comedy better than the original I thought. really worth seeing. smiles all over your chevy chase!!

The Colony review

for the money spent on the effects I can honestly say it was "pants!" really did nothing for me - seemed like a very edited version of a much longer (better,promising) film which could have been grand)...gawd knows...2/5 for the post-Ap effects but that consists mainly of the white stuff which TBH we have seen enough of in the UK this year - anyways disappointed punter!!

Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines review

i dunno... the first 4 were really enjoyable yet felt this one was just ropey so say the least. If your a fan don't get too excited.

Citadel review

this is one dark film - really moody and dark throughout and some great ideas - really works on fear and dose a good job.

[Rec] 3: Genesis review

not a bad film but as far as the series of RECs go it is the worst one - first half an hour is a wedding video - LOL and then all the party goers go zombie - not original @ all but some fun...

Stash House review

well above average film - simple plot but performed well - very similar to jodie fosters panic room. 7.5/10 as i do like dolph lundgren (although not his best personally kinda flat)..

Devil Seed review

sexy chick goes and sees a psychic and gets possessed starts get all frisky with her friends and then develops a really deep voice - ok stories not original however this dose seem to pull it off unfortunately like most horror could have been better however this could have been far worse i am glad i watched it.

No Saints for Sinners review

well above average irish american gangster flick. Our hero flees the US after shooting his partner whom he thinks he has killed - a coke deal that goes bad and a past that catches up with him boil up for a watchable flick...

Zomblies review

youtube seems to have produced an number of fan made zombie films and this seems to be one of best - I have posted the full length flick for watching. its 47 mins long but very entertaining - a list will come soon of the top fan mades out there.

Documenting the Grey Man review

same old same old really very slow for a good hour and when it dose get going it hardly believable to be honest. done in the style of paranormal activity video camera recording all scenario - wooden acting and terrible blood effect - all told wouldn't bother. And the shadow on the cover - forget it never see anything that resembles a man - a black, white or grey - none!!