Pump Up the Volume review

personally I think this is one of Slaters best films. Feel good movie well acted and holds the interest.

Murder in the First review

hard hitting prison film - well acted by some big names.

Broken Arrow review

"god damn what a rush" - bob on action packed flick deserves more than 5.8 - tis what it tis..fun.

Do the Right Thing (1989) review

God damn I have wanted to see this since it came out!

The Last Castle review

yeah Robert Redford is only enough to be my Grandfather - but he still packs a punch for an older boy. Hes good in this!!!

The Core review

not my favourite genre SCi-fi - so alittle unmotivated when I watched this. As expected Okay - like a higher budget middle of the road x files.

Sahara review

very exciting mindless action flick

Ransom review

gotta love it its Mel - pretty good film - kind of been told before but still holds the attention.

Fearless review

interesting film very much unlike anything else I have seen. All for the better - recommended.

Evan Almighty review

dose quite well to follow Bruce Almighty but obviously without Jim Carrey it was never going to be bigger. Although must be said Steve Carell is funny.