War & Peace Vol. 1 (The War Disc) review

my opinion the best of the Ice cube albums (war disc) - so many original styles from the Dom mega. top stuff.

Amerikkkas Most Wanted review

one of the best albums ever. Not too long after the split from NWA - the Lench Mob and cube came about. Timeless rap classic.

Eminem In His Own Words review

says what is. great read well worth reading if you like his music. Personally I think the guys a genius.

Crazy Taxi review

by far the best game on the DC. also released later on the pc - originally an arcade game - not lost on any platform great fun and very addictive.

Metal Gear Solid review

being a true snake fan I wait for this - dubious just hope they dont screw it up - just look at tombraider for i.e. - anyone else feel the same about this?

Resident Evil 2 review

better than the first scary also loved it - but thats were my love for the RE series ended until the latest instal.... shame they made the trashy films TBH.

Resident Evil review

best horror game at the time started it all quality title slow load times but hey its years old!

720 review

the 1st to my knowledge skateboarding game to appear. Crazy at the time -skateparks, ollies, grabs and bees - the good ol days when we were so easily pleased. only for old skool skaters though.

Victory review

yeah so what - a yank in goal for England - playing against the germans whilst digging out through the baths. Top film - personally I watch it everytime its on.

Cliffhanger review

I went to watch Jurassic Park which was full and ended up watching this instead. Visually fantastic - good action and some great scenes. XD