Basic Instinct review

dunno about now - went to flicks twice when i was a lad just for the legs bit! how sad i know.. still an ok movie - was better through young glazed eyes.

Disturbia review

I believe based around an Hitchcock classic - so the story is tops - clever ideas brought upto date - must see.

The Devil's Advocate review

Pacino is classic in this Keanu Reeves is usual plastic (bless he dose try) agree with the other review great til the end and kind of shoots itself in the foot.

No Country for Old Men (2007) review

didnt like it slow as hell - and why would you carry a can of oxygen round to kill people - my grandfather has one and all of sudden feel uneasy about approaching him in his comfy chair.

The Shining review

Now this is a real horror film plays on fears and emotions total classic. Still makes me feel uneasy to this day

Donkey Punch review

middle of the road (or ocean) - nice idea and original - to a degree but again comes over as weak in performance. Jaime Winstone is peaches and cream though!

Kidulthood review

falls short somewhat I feel. Tale of inner city teenage life, sex, drugs, guns, blah blah blah. OST is the best feature. worth a look - but doubt weather you will watch it more than once. Jaime Winstone is 'summit else'- also in DonkeyPunch

28 Days Later review

spot on zombie film forgot the GR slow moving vacant zombies these boys and girls are full of rage. Moody and action pack - job lot!

A Clockwork Orange review

bizare but enteraining - cannot believe that its was banned - then found out it was actually Stanley Kubrick that got the ban slapped on - ?? worth watching just to say you have seen it - but wont rock your world.

The Others review

yep as far as twists go this outshines most. Found myself glued to it throughout - even though it dose move very much at its own pace. Stick with it and the reward is worthwhile.