Philadelphia review

extremely touching movie - deals with the whole sensitive issue very well. The Springstein song on the OST was the track of 1993 - whole video is at the end of the film titles.

Stand by Me review

its better now than it was then - films bizzarely grown up with me! I thought after watching it soo much years ago thought that it would be weak - the opposite - classic..

Ferris Bueller's Day Off review

This and the breakfast club - watched to death on VHS as a kid. Love this film kind of in my blueprint. Nothing to say about it apart from COOL!

Blood Diamond review

pardon the pun - Blood(y) brilliant. top film - I personally think this is the best film thus far for Dicaprio. Non stop action and gripping story.

The Terminal review

wow what an original idea - kind of read the right up and think - can this work. Answers - yep - works well. Hanks is excellent and to be honest gels the whole film together - really good flick.

The Devil Made Me Do It review

EP from the the LP 'breaking the grip of shame'. The most direct - hard hitting rapper ever. Started on the stock exchange I believe made a mint and turned to rap. Message after message truely the most indepth and thorough hiphop artist. 10/10

The Omen review

on of the best horror films. got that dated feel about it and like others (the shining) works totally in it favour. "cant touch this"

The Descent review

in my mind the 'female' follow up to Dog Soldiers - Neil Marshall dose not let us down - we worked a little masterpiece.

Cube review

hey lets make a film that has no real beginning or end and explains nothing about itself. could have been so so much better - and no 2 is even worse. I would work out the rubik cube - more fun than this!

Slumdog Millionaire review

i must be losing it - hated it! read all the hype and decided to have a go. turned off halfway through. And I hated the way the Indian version of Chris Tarrant says Millonware..