The Possession of David O'Reilly review

interesting.... you know those films that dont have the glitz of hollywood - the huge budgets and top names - yet still manage to deliver a gripping flick - well hell mary - this is one of em.. well well worth watching.

Skyline review

Balls to all those who slate it - scifi which if fun whats wrong with that? sure there is no indepth explanations of why/where...etc - so if you just want enjoyment which is fairly shallow then watch - if not 'dont'..

Bulletstorm review

crazy game which is managable and fun and gorgeous to look at built on a very clever engine. you could go as far as to say its re-inventing the first person genre, which tbh makes for a refreshing change. bored of same ol same ol? know i am - glad i picked this up - full knackers...

Mad Dogs review

could have been great - was until the ending - just tailed off to be something and nothing. I would watch the first three episodes and miss the last. sounds bizarre - try it and see.

Burn After Reading review

im sorry but this film was just plain - terrible. I have read the reviews before and after watching and tbh am i missing something?? black comedy..really? I have struggled to see the thing with the Coen brothers before - and this just carried on that trend. I would suggest unless you loved the previous flicks from the Bros I would avoid and watch something else instead.

Buried (2010) review

?? the kind of film you will enjoy but never watch again.

Come Fly with Me review

these boys never suprise me just when you think they couldnt make you laugh again - come fly with me - really tickled me - I adore the black women in the coffee shop! brilliant shall be watching for a long time yet just for belly laughs.

Mr. Nice review

5.5 rating WTF - if you have read the book or seen the show of HM - then this fills in the blanks I feel regarding a crazy life! big respect to the guy. Rhys Ifans TBH was outstanding as Howard Marks - and of course who else could play a foriegn drug dealer better than Omid Djalili - LOL...

Angst (1983) review

quite a good flick - although the way the director did the murders really come across as so clumbsy - it was almost comical - shame as if these most important scences were polished then this could have been a real gem. camera work is fantastic and surely later films must have taken some of this onboard.

Darkest of Days review

needed a bigger budget to be a true gem but if you can pull a blind eye to some of its downfalls it presents a good gaming experience with a nice idea behind it. the storyline is simplistic but all told well worth playing.