The Swarm review

i personally hate alot of one thing. alot being millions - this films gives me the creeps - but it is what it is and dose it well.

The Other Half review

its got danny dyer & Vinnie in it - thats the good - the rest is so weak really - wouldnt worry too much if you have not seen it - not missing much at all.

Devil's Playground review

really decent zombie movie. Yeah the structure is very similar on all of the zombie flicks - but like the 28 series this british zombie flick devlivers with a hefty blow.

Basement review

on the whole(hole) dissapointing. Firstly any film that has Danny Dyer named as a GARY - deserves a negative - lol.. but to be honest tailed off very slowely in to nothing. Left scratching my head. I had read reviews saying that it was awful - but decided to make my own mind up. But YH they were right...awful..(GARY)..

The Hole review

could have been better kind of got the impression that it was aimed at the younger viewer as it goes a bit fantasy towards the end. Not quite what I expected. 5/10

Frontier(s) review

this weekend I have watched three films two of them French and to be honest French horror is certainly were I am at. Great film - watch it as it one of the best in the genre.

Case 39 (2009) review

blimey didnt see this little beauty coming along - renee zellweger always reminds me of bridgette jones - sign of a good performance maybe? so I was dubious when I saw her in it - but 'wd' Renee - great performance in a well above average horror. Nice to see some originality coming along. cliche..mmm.. apart from that as an added bonus you get to see 'LoveJoy' was a convincing american accent and the black guy from hustle.

Below review

enjoyable - full of suspense and some great effects. Story isnt bad either.

After Dark Horrorfest - Wicked Little Things review

good one for all horror fans alittle samey but sod worth watching..

Psychomania review

interesting films - very dated horror but something really unqiue with it.