Cannibal Holocaust review

i watched this at college after a friend lent me a dodgy looking VHS tape and at the time didnt know if it was a snuff movie - serious!!. really well done in respect of Raw - the effects are jaw dropping and you will have that air of - "is that real?"

Dead Ringers review

Its David Cronenberg through and through - alot unanswered and really moody. Good film though not easy viewing but well worth watching.

Mrs. Doubtfire review

lovely film with some well delived messages. My baby sister watched this in some not so good times and by the end fully understood what a divorce was - Robin Williams is just superb.

What Dreams May Come review

I think the idea behind this is immense - and enjoyable visuals - great concept and Williams performance as per norm.

Good Morning, Vietnam (1987) review

I love Robin Williams - and I feel that this IS Robin Williams - casting couldnt have been better - if you love Williams - quite simply you will love this. As a Vietnam DJ attacks issues - talks for the squaddies - and plays some wicked tunes!

The Passion of the Christ review

not being religious at all - this is very much a fresh view for me and think that it is a masterpiece. It is what it is.

About a Boy review

problem is there is no real beginning, middle and end. I like Hugh Grant - and he is typical comdey in this but lacks something. enjoyable just not unmissable.

The Karate Kid review

love it due to nostalgia I guess - sunday afternoon viewing - much prefer the new one with Jackie Chan.

The Karate Kid review

WTF rating is this.. if you like the original you love this. Jaden I though was super cool - and who else to replace the teacher than Jackie Chan. remakes somethimes wall over and sometimes excel - the LATTAR!

Meet Joe Black review

what a boring film - the highlight is when Brad Pitts character gets run over and bounces off about 5 cars! shame as two excellent actors..