The Captives (2001) review

terrible cinema - a badley acted rip of a common flick. Even the shock factor is so bad that its almost a laugh. really dont ever bother unless you really love shite films.... Eric stanze wont be getting a fav director from me for this effort.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail review

I dont think they need any introduction - pass down from generation to the next and they will know that england is a funny little place..

Poltergeist review

bizarre that Heather O'rourke died not too long after making this film. Adds to the unusal vibe you get from the first two films.

The Human Centipede (2009) review

in short - as most of my reviews I do are. You will either love it or hate it. i personally dont like the old surgeon knifes kind of horrorrs. worth a butchers..(sorry for pun).

Lady in White review

a great tale and a really good ghost story really enjoyed it.

On the Beat review

without doubt my favourite Norman Wisdom films. Hilarious from start to finish - love it..

Saints Row 2 review

not bad - dont think its anywhere near as good as GTA and JC2

Just Cause 2 review

wow this is the bollocks - my winter is taken care of - film after film and this...if you love GTA - this is a mile better - how did I miss this on release...gotta go gotta go

The Other Guys review

1 or 2 golden moments - the desk pop scene is hilarious - but dont feel that 5/10 mins of laughter can save a film.. really dissapointed. is it just me??

Seven Pounds review

a right smashing film - full of emotion - yet will smith is withdrawn all the way through - but it all becomes clear why - enjoyed it greatly.